Update #2 on Refugees in the Balkans deployment

This is the second update on the deployment for refugees on the Balkan route.

As many of you already know, a powerful 8.3-magnitude earthquake struck Chile on Wednesday. The Core Team is currently monitoring the situation, and we will keep you updated on whether any action will be taken.

Meanwhile, our deployment to support Internews by investigating services and information flows for refugees traveling along the Turkey – Balkans – Germany route goes on.

We would like to thank all the volunteers who have already signed up for this deployment, filled out the Google form, and joined our Slack channel. You are doing amazing work by collecting information which Internews will use to create better information systems and help refugees arriving in Europe access services, understand their rights and stay safe.

We really need more volunteers though.

Even if you only have an hour free, please fill out the form available on Ning and help out.

We need more volunteers who are fluent in Arabic, as some relevant information is only available in this language.  It would be great to have more Pashtu, Dari and Tigrigna speakers as well.

If you’ve got media monitoring skills, you will be ideal for this deployment. Volunteers who have previously worked on needs and wants or 3W tasks especially have the skills we need.

Sign up & onboarding:

For more information and to sign up, you will need to fill in the Google form that you find at the bottom of the page on Ning:


You will receive an invitation to join our Slack channel within 12 hours of signing up to the Google form.

If you have joined the deployment but haven’t completed the Google form, please do, it helps us know who is working on the deployment.

Testing Slack

We’re experimenting with using Slack for this deployment as it was Internews’ preferred channel. We’d be really interested in any feedback on whether we should consider it in the future.

In case you have problems accessing Slack, please get in touch with Helena (), Per () or Stuart ()

Don’t forget to tell people what you are doing

Please step forward.

As you join the deployment, please let your friends and family know on social media.

On Twitter you could say:

I just deployed with the @sbtaskforce to support @internews investigating refugee flows in Europe http://www.standbytaskforce.com

On Facebook you could say:

I’m working with other volunteers in the Standby Task Force to support Internews investigating services and information flows for refugees traveling along the Turkey – Balkans – Germany route

And please like or share this update on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/StandbyTaskForce/photos/a.205148209557971.52266.118650931541033/927394367333348/?type=1&theater


Leads for this deployment are:

Per Aarvik () skype:per_aarvik

Helena Puig Larrauri ()

Keep in touch

If you’ve got any questions, comments, suggestions then drop me or anyone in the core team an email or ask in the SBTF general chat room on Skype.

[email protected] or [email protected]

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