Update #5 | Nepal earthquake deployment | Extended until May 6
A short, sharp update
We have received 424 applications to join the Standby Task Force since the earthquake hit. We (Joyce in fact) have been processing these as quickly as possible. It’s a really incredible number. Thank you so much.
The MicroMappers platform is still (at time of writing) running well and feeding data to our main document and to the Kathmandu Living Labs crisis map http://www.kathmandulivinglabs.org/earthquake/
That crisis map is a great resource and we are proud to be working alongside KLL during this deployment. Read their sitreps here http://kathmandulivinglabs.org/blog/
Micromappers also feeds the MicroMappers maps
http://maps.micromappers.org/2015/nepal/images/ & http://maps.micromappers.org/2015/nepal/tweets/
Thanks so much to the many SBTF volunteers who have been clicking and geoclicking. There have been 220,000 clicks on images and 55,000 clicks on text messages. Thanks to QCRI for the awesome platform.
Our data is feeding the Humanitarian Data Exchange and our 3W data will be used as part of UN-OCHA’s first 3W report soon.
We need more help. Sign up now.
The deployment continues to go well. We have many volunteers working incredibly hard. We need everyone to take care of themselves and for this reason we really need people to keep joining the deployment. You can take the load off your fellow volunteers. It is not too late. In fact it’s just as important now as it was on Saturday.
This deployment has been extended to 2200 UTC May 6 2015
There are so many other great things I’d like to tell you about. Volunteers who are improving processes for everyone. People who have brought their specialist knowledge, skills or common sense to bear. Countless individual stories of greatness.
Standby Task Force is an incredible thing. It is incredible because it is you, all of you.
Without you Standby Task Force would be nothing.
With you it is everything.
Thank you
I am eager to volunteer in nepal.please where ould i apply?
This group is by invitation. Please contact Joyce Monsees as she is the Membership Director.
– R. Junod, Tech Group
Member, Standby Task Force